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New Listing Submission Form

Please use this form to submit information about your business.

For Help please see 'Help for Business Owners' found on our Help page. This help page will open in a new browser Tab (window) so that you can use it as a reference while using this form.


  1. This form does not allow you to save and return at a later date. We recommend you prepare your information in a word processor and enter when ready to submit.
  2. If you close your browser or click to another page before submitting ALL INFO ENTERED WILL BE LOST.

Before submitting your business please:

  1. Check if your business is already in our directory. Use the search tool on our homepage. Try your business name and phone number.
  2. Make sure your business meets our listing guidelines.
  3. Do not make multiple submissions. Resubmitting your business will NOT get your business listed any quicker. We review and process all submissions as soon as possible. If you have not heard from us after 14 days please email us.
  4. Provide a working email address. We WILL email you to verify the information submitted. If the email you supply does not work your listing will NOT be entered into our directory.

Thanks for the listing!

Contact Details
NOTE: the contact information is private and not displayed in your listing. It is for our internal business use only.
Person to contact regarding this listing.
Phone number for contact person in this format: 123-456-7890
Email address for Contact person. We verify ALL listings through email. Submissions without working email address are not processed.
Social Media
Required. No Yellowpages listing = no DieselVille listing.
Listing Contents
NOTE: the following information is PUBLIC and displayed in your listing.
Unit or suite number.
123-456-7890 format
Toll-free number for business in this format: 123-456-7890
Business Email
Service Area
Areas the business provides services to OTHER than where your business is located. Include city, state, & zip code. See Service Area help
Days of the week when your business is open and closed e.g. M-F 7am - 6:30pm
Please enter as you want content to display. Special instructions to our webmaster can be entered in the "Notes" area at bottom of form. Please see the Listing help page (see link at top of this page) for suggestions on what to include in the suggested sections: 'About Us', 'About Owner', 'About Staff', 'Services Provided', 'Benefits', 'Customer Testimonials'.
The main category of your business operation. Businesses with multiple categories can use the 'Secondary Business Category' field below.
Multiple Business Categories permitted. Maximum of 6.
Please enter type of diesels you service.
Please select brands you service. Maximum of 6.
Please select products sold or serviced. Maximum of 6.
Companies or Associations that your business is affiliated with. **Maximum of 6**. We will use the first 6 selected.
Use our contact form to request email address you send photos to. Please attach ONE high resolution (original file size) image per email. NOTE: Including multiple photos in one email can cause files to be corrupted (damaged). Please see the help information on what information to include with each photo. Photos without description to be used as a caption will not be added.
Please add any notes or information that does not fit in fields above.