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Update Your Listing

Keeping your listing information up-to-date is our top priority.

For free listing updates please email us from our contact page.

In your change request email, please include:

  • Business name, full address, and phone number.
  • Clear, detailed change instructions. Including 'before' and 'after' examples prevent misunderstanding and delays. 

For extensive updates or new listings please use the Add Listing form.

  1. NOTE: We DO NOT do Free Listing changes by phone!!
  2. We verify each listing change request. You MUST reply to our email using a company domain name email address. Change requests not using a company email address (e.g. Gmail, Hotmail, etc) will not be processed. Unfortunately, we have had problems with listing competitors submitting false information.


  • Please send us your email with our contact page and we will send you the email address where you can email photos & images as an email attachment.
  • ONE photo image file attachment per email. Multiple attachments can cause files to be corrupted or damaged.
